2024 The Seventh NTD International Piano Competition


The New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD Television) International Piano Competition is one in a series of international cultural and arts events sponsored by NTD Television. The mission of this competition is to promote traditional arts of pure authenticity, pure goodness, and pure beauty, and to bring back the glory of piano masterpieces from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods.

The competition’s commitment to artistic excellence is a means to allow the 250-year legacy of piano literature to continue to flourish. We believe this repertoire is a treasure of mankind and should be passed onto future generations to come.


The competition was established in 2008 by NTD Television. As the largest Chinese media group outside of mainland China, we disseminate traditional culture to audiences around the world through television, newspapers, magazines, websites, and social media. Semifinal and Final rounds of the competition will be broadcast through live stream video on the internet. The recording of the competition will be edited into a TV special to broadcast on NTD’s TV network.

Commissioned Composition

It is our great honor to be permitted to select and rearrange one of the vocal pieces composed by world-renowned composer and Artistic Director of Shen Yun Performing Arts – D. F. – to be the competition’s commissioned composition. The pianists who advance to the semifinal rounds will have the opportunity to perform this specially commissioned composition. Two winners of Best Rendition Award of $3,000 each is established for this commissioned composition. 

Inheriting the characteristics of the Music of Shen Yun, the commissioned composition features the perfect harmony of Eastern and Western classical music. The Western piano serves as a foundation, accentuating the distinct sound of Chinese classical music. The bedrock of soul-stirring melodies from the ancient Middle Kingdom is fully brought to life by a Western instrument, the piano. The perfect harmony of Eastern and Western classical music, this is what makes the commissioned composition unique.


The competition and the Winners’ Concert will take place at the Kaufman Music Center in New York City from October 14 to 19, 2024.

Semi-final Round: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Final Round: Friday, October 18, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Winners Concert & Award Ceremony: Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Rules and Regulations

The Jury

The contestants will be judged by the Jury appointed by the NTD Competition Organizing Committee. The Jury of the NTD International Piano Competition comprises professional veteran pianists as well as piano educators, and they will be responsible for assessing the contestants’ performances. The decisions of the Jury for all rounds shall be final.

Dress Code

Contestants are required to wear conservative formal performance attire during all rounds of the competition. Required attire for males includes dark-colored suits or tuxedos; required attire for females is a traditional classic gown (full length).

General Requirement

The competition repertoire must be played from memory (including the Commissioned Composition). The Jury retains the right to disqualify those who violate this rule in the competition.



  1. Gold Award (1): US$10,000
  2. Silver Award (1): US$6,000
  3. Bronze Award (1): US$3,000
  4. Best Rendition Award of the Commissioned Composition, 2 winners, US$3,000 each
  5. Outstanding Performance Award
  6. Honorable Mention Award


Preliminary: 2 pieces

1. Please select one of J. S. Bach’s Toccatas from the following:

  • F-sharp Minor BWV 910
  • C Minor BWV 911
  • D Major BWV 912
  • D Minor BWV 913
  • E Minor BWV 914
  • G Minor BWV 915
  • G Major BWV 916

2. Please select one of F. Liszt’s Etudes from the following:
Grandes études de Paganini

  • S. 141: No. 2 in E-flat Major, “Andante capriccioso”
  • S. 141: No. 3 in G-sharp Minor, “La Campanella”
  • S. 141: No. 6 in A Minor, “Theme et Variations”

Transcendental Etudes

  • S. 139: No. 4 in D Minor, “Mazeppa”
  • S. 139: No. 5 in B-flat Major, “Feux follets”
  • S. 139: No. 8 in C Minor, “Wilde Jagd”
  • S. 139: No. 10 in F Minor, “Appassionata”

Semifinal : 2 pieces

1. Commissioned Composition.

2. Please select one of Beethoven Sonatas (Entire piece, no repeats) from the following:

  • Sonata No. 3 in C Major, Op. 2 No. 3
  • Sonata No. 18 in E-flat Major, Op. 31 No. 3
  • Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53
  • Sonata No. 23 in F Minor, Op. 57
  • Sonata No. 28 in A Major Op. 101
  • Sonata No. 30 in E Major, Op. 109


Each contestant will perform a recital of 45 minutes program composed of works chosen by the contestant. No piece can be played twice in the competition.

Compositions must be from the Baroque, Classical, or Romantic period (No Impressionism or 20th Contemporary composition). Please submit your proposed selection for the committee’s approval if it is not from the following list.

Repertoire list for your reference:

• Bach-Busoni Chaconne in D Minor

• Beethoven Sonata No. 29 in B-flat Major, Op. 106

• Brahms

– Sonata No. 3 in F Minor, Op. 5

– Sonata No. 2 in F-sharp Minor, Op. 2

– Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel, Op. 24

• Mozart

– Sonata No. 18 in D Major, K.576

• Chopin

– Andante Spianato et Grande Polonaise Brillante Op. 22

– Barcarolle in F-sharp Major, Op. 60

– Fantaisie in F Minor, Op. 49

– Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor, Op. 35

– Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58

– 12 Etudes, Op. 10

– 12 Etudes, Op. 25

– 24 Preludes, Op. 28

• Franck Prelude, Chorale and Fugue

• Liszt

– Transcendental Etudes, S. 139

– Tarantella

– Sonata in B Minor

• Mendelssohn Variations Serieuses Op. 54

• Rachmaninoff

– Piano Sonata No. 2 (Original version 1913)

– 10 Preludes, Op. 23

– 13 Preludes, Op. 32

– Six Moments Musicaux, Op. 16

– Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 33

– Etudes-Tableaux, Op. 39

• Schubert

– Sonata in C Minor, D. 958

– Sonata in A Major, D. 959

– Sonata in B-flat Major, D. 960

– Fantasy in C Major, Op. 15 (D. 760)

• Schumann

– Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13

– Fantasy in C Major Op. 17

• Saint-Saëns

– Études, Op. 52

– Études, Op. 111



  1. Competition is open to pianists, instructors, and students of all nationalities who are proficient with a broad piano repertoire.
  2. Contestants must be between the ages of 17 and 35 (inclusive) during the time of the competition.

Procedures for application

  1. Application deadline: August 5, 2024. All application materials must be received by the competition’s Organizing Committee by the deadline. No late or partial applications will be accepted.
  2. Foreign contestants are responsible for obtaining their travel documents and visas to the USA. Please consult the nearest American Embassy or Consulate for advice. Early submission of the application package is highly recommended, as it may take several weeks to obtain proper travel documents.
  3. Nonrefundable application fee of US$150. Applications cannot be processed without payment. Accepted forms of payment include online payment, credit card, traveler’s check, or money orders. Please make your check payable to New Tang Dynasty Television.
  4. Applicants must provide the following in the application package:
    • Completed Application Form for the NTD Television International Piano Competition. The signature of a legal guardian is required if the applicant is under 18 years old.
    • A high-resolution color photo (300 dpi or higher) taken within 12 months, preferably a professional profile photo that is suitable for publicity purposes.
    • A copy of a valid legal ID
    • 10–30 minutes of audition videos
  5. Application: https://one.ntdtv.com
  6. Contact us:
  7. All application materials will not be returned. Applicants should retain copies of all materials sent with their applications. The competition’s Organizing Committee will accept no responsibility for applications not received.

Audition videos submission

  1. Applicants must submit up to three recent (within the last 24 months) unedited video recordings or concert/recital recordings along with the application form. Submission pieces need to be from the Baroque, Classical, or Romantic period.
  2. The media type of the video could be viewable online video link (e.g., Youtube or Vimeo); video file sharing link (e.g., Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox); or DVD that contains recording(s) of the applicant’s performance (either solo performance or concerto with an orchestra/ensemble). Submission must be between 10 to 30 minutes in length.
  3. The recording must be of high quality, unedited, and clearly show the applicant’s face and hands in the frame at all times. Post-production handling that affects the acoustic quality of the recording must be stated.
  4. Application Form C or its counterpart section in the online application should be submitted along with the video performance.

Post application submission

  1. The Organizing Committee will notify the applicants of the acceptance or non-acceptance decision no later by August 5, 2024. Invitations to the preliminary round will be sent to all qualified contestants, which enable the contestant to apply for a U.S. visa and register on the day of the competition.
  2. The Organizing Committee will email the Commissioned Composition to all qualified contestants 8 weeks prior to the live competition.


  1. By applying to the competition, contestants acknowledge the validity of the Rules and Regulations of the competition.
  2. Contestants must abide by the arrangements of the competition’s Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to revoke the eligibility and the prizes should a contestant be found in violation.
  3. NTD Television is entitled to all copyrights of text, audio, visual, and video products made during the competition.
  4. All awards must be accepted by contestants in person at the Award Ceremony. Absence at the Award Ceremony constitutes forfeiture of the awards and prizes.
  5. It is the contestant’s full responsibility to handle any unexpected situations during the time of the competition.
  6. The Organizing Committee shall have the ultimate authority to interpret the Rules and Regulations of the competition and have the right to make any changes as necessary.

Organizing Committee of the 7th NTD International Piano Competition

March 28, 2024

Jury Panel

Jury Chair: Prof. Becky Yao

Professor Becky Yao has extensive teaching and performance experience throughout New York, Korea, and the southeastern United States. After earning her B.A. in Music from the renowned Xinghai Conservatory of Music in China, she studied for four years with Seymour Lipkin at the Manhattan School of Music on a full scholarship. A former lecturer of piano and music appreciation at North Georgia College and State University, she earned her M.M. in Piano Performance from Georgia State University, where she also took the first prize at a piano concerto competition. Since 2011, Professor Yao has been serving as the professor of music at Fei Tian College. From 2008-2009, she was the jury member of the NTDTV International Chinese Piano Competition. Professor Yao chaired the jury panel for the NTDTV International Piano Competition in 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2022.

Jury: Janara Khassenova

Originally from Kazakhstan, celebrated pianist Janara Khassenova studied under renowned professor Mikhail Voskresensky at Moscow State Conservatory and completed her postgraduate studies there. While in the United States, she completed an Artist Diploma Program in Piano Performance from the Longy School of Music. She has performed as a soloist and with chamber ensembles and orchestras in countries of the former Soviet Union, Italy, Greece, and the United States. Janara collaborates frequently with various musicians in a variety of projects. She is currently a faculty at Bard College-Conservatory of Music Preparatory Division and teaches piano in New York City. In addition, Janara is an adjunct faculty at Fei Tian College. Janara Khassenova has been serving as the artistic advisor for NTDTV since 2014, and hosted an art TV series “Piano Talks”. She was also invited as a jury member for NTDTV International Piano Competition in 2016, 2019 and 2022.

Jury: Brenda Chen

Brenda Chen graduated from Canada’s McGill University with a Licentiate of Music in piano performance, studying under Louis-Philippe Pelletier, Marina Goglidze-Mdivani, and Dale Bartlett. She also studied harmony with Michael Kearns, the pupil of Nadia Boulanger. Thereafter, she received her Artist Diploma from the University of Western Ontario under the guidance of the renowned Ronald Turini, a student of Vladimir Horowitz.

Brenda has an extensive career in piano performance and piano accompaniment. Since the age of sixteen, she has performed at many venues throughout Toronto, Canada. She has accompanied a range of individuals and groups in Canada and Italy, ranging from instrumentalists, vocalists, community groups to the Canadian Opera Company.

Brenda is well-acquainted with NTD Television’s International Competition Series. In 2008, she was part of the jury panel for the First NTD Chinese International Piano Competition. In 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2018, she was a guest accompanist for the NTD International Vocal Competition.

In 2020, Brenda joined the faculty at Fei Tian College and has toured with the Shen Yun Performing Arts since, performing throughout North America and Europe as a piano accompanist to dancers, vocalists and instrumentalists.


  1. Noble Mission: This competition is solely dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the European classical piano music — the splendid legacy of Western culture, and bring back the glory of piano masterpieces from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods. By participating in this event, you will make a unique contribution to the renaissance of traditional culture.
  2. Unique Selection of Repertoire: All compositions required in this competition must be from the Baroque, Classical, or Romantic eras.
  3. Original Commissioned Composition: this piece is rearranged from one of the vocal pieces composed by world-renowned composer and Artistic Director of Shen Yun Performing Arts —D.F. Inheriting the characteristics of the Music of Shen Yun, this Commissioned Composition features the perfect harmony of Eastern and Western classical music. The bedrock of soul-stirring melodies from the ancient Middle Kingdom is fully brought to life by the Western piano. A “Best Rendition Award of the Commissioned Composition” is established for the competition.
  4. Live-streaming Broadcasting: The semi-final and final rounds of the piano competition will be broadcast live via social media channels and websites of the New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television and The Epoch Times, which could potentially reach 180 million followers worldwide.
  5. Winner’s Concert & Award Ceremony: All winners of this competition will have the honor of performing at one of New York City’s finest concert venues. This event will also be live-streamed worldwide.
  6. Global Promotion Platforms: This competition is the only world-class piano event hosted by a global television network— NTD Television. NTD’s holding company. As the largest Chinese TV network in the U.S., NTD Television serves over 100 million viewers worldwide. The Epoch Times newspaper has a weekly circulation of 1.6 million readers in 35 countries across five continents. In 23 languages, The Epoch Times as a whole has an online audience of 360 million worldwide.
  7. Opportunity for Featured Interview: Award winners will have the opportunity for a featured interview, and will be seen on NTD Television and The Epoch Times, as well as its affiliated publications and multiple social media platforms.
  8. International Recognition: The high standard and unique selection of repertoire of this competition has been widely acknowledged as a major international classical piano competition. It serves as a unique platform for professional pianists to gain international recognition through global media exposure in print, broadcast, and online, which would bring you more performance and career opportunities.
  9. Total Cash Awards: US$25,000



(The 7th NTD International Piano Competition)

What is the NTD International Piano Competition?

The NTD International Piano Competition is the only world-class piano event hosted by a global television network — New Tang Dynasty Television. The mission of the competition is to preserve and revitalize the classical piano music from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras.

What is New Tang Dynasty Television?

New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television is a New York-based global news and entertainment media network, founded in 2001. NTD’s mission is to uplift and inform society by publishing quality content that embodies integrity, dignity, and the best of humanity. At NTD we believe the integrity of our world hinges on the accurate and truthful spread of information. We dedicate ourselves to providing the truth and shedding light on major issues the world deserves to know. We cover the stories that others don’t. Our unbiased news provides critical information and insight. Our focused, exclusive analyses cut through the complicated political landscape and provide a clear perspective. We hold ourselves responsible to society by steering clear of sensationalism and producing news with the utmost integrity. In addition, we bring humanity into everything we do and better understand who we are today by looking at history, culture, and tradition.

What makes the NTD International Piano Competition special?

  • The noble mission: this competition is solely dedicated to preserving and reviving classical piano music — a jewel in the crown of Western civilization.
  • The unique choice of repertoire: all compositions required in this competition must be from the Baroque, Classical, or Romantic periods (No Impressionism or 20th contemporary compositions).
  • An original Commissioned Composition: this piece is rearranged from one of the vocal pieces composed by world-renowned composer and Artistic Director of Shen Yun Performing Arts —D.F.
  • The global viewership: the semi-final and final rounds of the NTD International Piano Competition will be live-streamed and broadcast via NTD global TV network as well as multiple social medial channels of The Epoch Times, which have the potential to reach 180 million followers worldwide.

Who are the judges of the NTD International Piano Competition?

All judges of the Jury panel are appointed by the NTD Competition’s Organizing Committee. The Jury members of the NTD International Piano Competition comprises professional veteran pianists as well as piano educators, and they will be solely responsible for assessing the contestants’ performances and select the winners. The decisions of the Jury panel for all rounds shall be final.

What specific qualities are the judges looking for?

In addition to the musicality and the fluidity of the performance, the judges would also focus on the following aspects. First, contestant’s virtuosity in the mastery of tempo, dynamic, clarity, and accuracy. Second is the timbre (tone color or quality) of music. A classical pianist with good inner peace and compassion could create a rich palette of timbres. Thirdly, good artistic competence and profound knowledge of musical history would enable a concert pianist to deliver the original message embedded in music composition. Lastly, a well-trained classical pianist should exhibit a noble and elegant stage presence.

What is the application submission deadline?

All required application materials must be received by the competition’s Organizing Committee by August 5, 2024. No late or partial applications will be accepted.

What is the age limit for contestants?

Competition is open to pianists, instructors, and students of all nationalities who are proficient with a broad piano repertoire. Contestants must be between the age of 17-35 during the time of the competition.

How much is the application fee?

A nonrefundable application fee of 150.00 USD shall apply.

When will I be notified about the results of the audition round?

The Organizing Committee will notify the applicant of acceptance or non-acceptance decision no later by August 5, 2024. Invitations to the preliminary round will be sent to all qualified contestants, which enable the contestant to apply for a U.S. visa and register on the day of the competition.

When and how can I receive the Commissioned Composition?

The Organization Committee will email the Commissioned Composition to all qualified contestants 8 weeks prior to the live competition. Contestants are required to play it from memory.

What media types are acceptable for the video audition?

The media type of the video could be viewable online video link (i.e., Youtube or Vimeo); video file sharing link (i.e., Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox); or DVD that contains recording(s) of the applicant’s performance (either solo performance or concerto with an orchestra/ensemble). Submission must be between 10 to 30 minutes in length.

Is it possible to send a video recording of my performance with other musicians, an ensemble or an orchestra?

Yes, it is possible if you performed solo with other musicians, an ensemble or an orchestra with orchestra.

May I submit a video recording in which a modern or contemporary composition was performed?

No, all compositions in the video recording must be from the Baroque, Classical, or Romantic period. No Impressionism or 20th Contemporary composition is accepted.

The Rules & Regulation say that all rights to broadcast audio and video recordings of Competition rounds and the final concerts featuring winners belong to NTD Television; may I refuse to transfer the rights to the recordings with my participation?

This is not possible – by submitting the application the contestant agrees to all the terms of the Competition, otherwise, he/she may not take part in the Competition.

Will the competition’s Organizing Committee help arrange airline tickets, accommodations, and practice sites during the live rounds of the competition?

No, but the Organizing Committee will recommend New York hotels and practice facilities to all qualified contestants in the live-rounds of the competition.

If a contestant wins the cash prize, will there be any tax withholding?

It depends on the nationality of the winner.

No tax withholding on the prize winner if he/she is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. A W-9 form must be filled out by the winner and on file with NTD. This form provides all of the information for sending a 1099-Misc to the winner. It is the winner’s own responsibility to report this income to the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and file the income tax accordingly.

If the winner is either a non-resident alien in the U.S. or a citizen from another country, then he/she needs to fill the W-8 form and the cash prize is subject to the 30% withholding requirement. The winner will receive the IRS Form 1042-S from NTD, reporting U.S. Source of Income by foreign persons.

However, depending on the winner’s country of residence, there may be an exception to the withholding requirement if the U.S. has entered into tax treaties with the residence country.

If I have questions regarding this competition, to whom do I direct these questions?

You are welcome to communicate your questions with the Organizing Committee in the following ways.